But what about you: An open letter to Trump voters

I have often wondered how tyrants and criminals come to power.  This presidency has been very enlightening to a lot of people.  But I want to focus on those people who actually voted for him.  I have identified five types of voters who chose Donald Trump.

1. The Racist - This is the easy one.  Donald Trump and been spewing hatred and venom from the very beginning.  It helped that he was an old white guy because this easily associated with plantation owners from generations passed.  But in this age, the blatantly racist and subtly racist had someone they could rally behind.  He wanted everything you wanted: He wanted to segregate and marginalize and deport and separate. All this while speaking almost exclusively to white America...He was angry when the situation called for anger and unapologetic when the situation called for humility.  He was everything you wanted in a candidate and you got behind him.

2. The Conservative Christian - Donald Trump carried the Bible Belt states who have been historically Republican.  But are you all so party proud that you sacrificed your ideals just to get a Republican into the White House?  Were you so disgusted with the path of America that you got behind a man simply because he expressed interest in your conservative agenda?  This president represents the embodiment of you, and you are not that far removed from George W. Bush (Who was awful in his own regard).  George W. Bush who just publicly stated this president is awful.  Does he embody your ideals?  If so, what does that make you?  Either you made a mistake..which you haven't admitted to or he is exactly what you stand for....and if the ladder is true,  you might want to remove the "Christian" and just say White Conservative.

3.The Minorities - You all are particularly culpable to the employment of Donald Trump.  Some of you voted for him and  most of you didn't vote at all because you didn't care for Hilary Clinton.  I know she wasn't Obama and she never really took any ownership of the 1994 Crime Bill, but that doesn't give you the right to take a Presidential vote off just to make a point.  I'm talking to you Michigan, Wisconsin, Pennsylvania, and Minnesota.  You gave away FOUR YEARS which will include the dismantling of the legacy of a man you hold in such high regard, just to make a statement.  You took the childish approach with the presidency of the United States.  Honestly, the previous two groups at least had an agenda, you just took a back seat and you wonder why they don't care about your well being, education, jobs, politics, neighborhoods, etc....you don't care about yourselves.

4. Women - I know many of you occupy the other groups but you really need a category of your own for a number of reasons.  Hilary Clinton is a women who would have....might have championed the cause of feminism around the world.  Donald Trump was a sexist misogynist who has degraded women throughout his life. That should have been enough but he still got your vote...what was it that convicted you to vote for him?  I'm really curious about what pluses outweighed the minuses.

5.  Everybody else - You want illegal immigrants gone...you were tired of politics as usual...you quietly agree with some of his idea and ideals...you didn't care for Barack Obama...you can relate more with him than any other candidate....you liked him on the Apprentice...you like his wife...he's Republican...he speaks his mind...he's tough...he's rich...I'm sure you have your reasons.

I say all this to emphasize that most of America has a part to play in OUR current situation.  It's easy to point the finger but if you look deeply into the character of the country as whole...you'll notice that Donald Trump is a representative of what we all are...

Self righteous, unaccountable, racist, selfish individuals trying to justify our bad choices.


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