Star Wars, Rouge One, and Why it works

Star Wars is one of the cinematic staples of all time.  Many have tried and failed to duplicate its success (I'm looking at you Matrix).  I just saw Rogue One and it fits perfectly between episodes 3 and 4, so much so that I would even recommend inserting it into any marathon viewing of the movies.  It got me to thinking about why the movies have worked for so long.
Besides its immense popularity, Star Wars is an entity which is built upon itself.  It honors the original story so much that they (Disney and Lucas Films) have been able to integrate more stories and characters into the narrative; while always respecting the time line and original story.  There are a few movie studios which attempt to do the same thing, most notably, Marvel (also Disney) and the Avengers.  They've done a decent job but no one cares about these characters all that much and they just keep introducing more.  I mean how many fist fights can a team have?  Then there's DC, who continues to ruin the DC Universe timeline with two "alternate" story lines...they've gone a far as to have two of the same character for movies and television....yikes.  But Star Wars remains true...They gave us the first 3, which are awesome.  Then Lucas followed up with the next 3, not as awesome (especially the 1st one) but they did give way to the Clone Wars which was pretty good and it introduced new characters (while still respecting the time line).  Disney then introduced Star Wars Rebels which is a bit of a give and take but they eventually used their trump card.  Darth Vader is one of the most iconic villains of all time.  So Disney has made a point to bring him around as much as possible.  He's in the video games, he's in Rebels, and he showed up in Rogue One.  For some people, that's enough.  I completely expect Disney to come out with a movie about his life right after he became Darth Vader and went on a Jedi killing spree...hmm, they could probably get 3 movies out of that.  Next up is a Han Solo movie and I'm pretty sure a Chewbacca movie will come around sooner or later, then Boba Fett, then Lando, then Leia, then...well, you see where I'm going with this.  But Rogue One was special in that it emerged from the story, not from any character.  And there are plenty story holes where a movie can emerge from...what did Obi Wan do while in hiding?, How did Yoda end up on Dagobah? Luke and Leia's teenage years,...but these are all character driven.  What about some story driven holes....Who built the Millenium Falcon?  What's the Kessel Run? The life of a Tie Fighter pilot, the final days of Alderaan, a love story....these are all prime stories for movies....and I'd see them all.
Anyway, the beauty of the continuity can not be understated.  When it all fits, it makes fans and me love the story more and more.


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