Star Wars, Rouge One, and Why it works
Star Wars is one of the cinematic staples of all time. Many have tried and failed to duplicate its success (I'm looking at you Matrix). I just saw Rogue One and it fits perfectly between episodes 3 and 4, so much so that I would even recommend inserting it into any marathon viewing of the movies. It got me to thinking about why the movies have worked for so long. Besides its immense popularity, Star Wars is an entity which is built upon itself. It honors the original story so much that they (Disney and Lucas Films) have been able to integrate more stories and characters into the narrative; while always respecting the time line and original story. There are a few movie studios which attempt to do the same thing, most notably, Marvel (also Disney) and the Avengers. They've done a decent job but no one cares about these characters all that much and they just keep introducing more. I mean how many fist fights can a team have? Then there's DC,...