
Showing posts from October, 2016

Luke Cage

So I'm a bit of a nerd in that I like what most people deem "nerdy things".  One of the things on that list would be superheroes, more accurately, comic book superheroes.  It's a form of escapism I've indulged in for many years.  But now, superheroes and comic books are more socially and commercially accepted as ever.  To me, that's good and bad...good because it makes it less "nerdy" and also because when you get smart directors and actors behind the right project, it can take the genre to a whole new level.  Then there's the bad, as it becomes more socially acceptable, you can have any hack make a show or movie, slap a good actor on it, and make some straight up trash (I'm looking at you Batman vs. Superman).  We have definitely had some missteps but I still love and appreciate the genre.  Enter Luke Cage...a follow up to the highly successful "Daredevil" series on Netflix and less successful but still good "Jessica Jones...